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Little and Large Tiger Spice

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2,200.00 Grams
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Large bag Tiger Spice 1.8 kg plus small reusable canister Tiger Spice 398 gram

Tiger Spice Chai®

A creamy mixture of black tea and exotic spices

Just add hot water or milk

Warmed or Iced- Its Very Nice

Traditional Masala Chai flavour of cinnamon, clove, cardamom and ginger with black tea.

David Rio’s top selling Chai makes an excellent gift as well as a perfect daily cup.

This Chai is a “must” for Chai fans.


Mix 1 heaped tablespoon of Chai, just 12 grams with 240 mls of milk, milk substitute or just hot water.

SERVE COLD Dissolve in a little warm water and then Pour over ice and blend

SERVE HOT  Warm your choice of milk on stove top, or by using steam is best.

David Rio's signature and award winning chai is a rich and creamy mixture of black tea and premium spices including cinnamon, cardamom and clove. A percentage of profits from the sale of ALL David Rio Tiger Spice Chai® will be donated to the International Fund for Animal Welfare (

A message from David Rio:

 As part of David Rio's corporate philosophy, we support animal welfare groups including Cat Tales Zoological Park and The Peninnsula Human Society & SPCA. Back in 1999, to commemorate Tiger Spice Chai, we even adopted a Bengal tiger, named Thor. We encourage everyone to make a difference in the life of an animal by supporting animal welfare groups and either adopting from or volunteering at your local Humane Society or SPCA.

On an annual basis, David Rio will have reduced its carbon emissions impact by over 25 tons and have removed over 30 tons of garbage from the waste stream, an integral part of David Rio's mission of becoming a green company.